SAMSCA® (tolvaptan): Effect on fluid balance vs placebo
Significant effect on serum sodium concentrations and fluid balance in patients with hyponatremia on day 1*†
- With SAMSCA, urine output was greater than fluid intake, which results in a net negative fluid balance1
- Greater than 1 L net fluid output in patients treated with SAMSCA® (tolvaptan) vs placebo1
Reduced need for fluid restriction with SAMSCA
With SAMSCA, the percentage of patients needing fluid restriction (<1 L/day) at any time during 30-day treatment period‡ was significantly less (P=0.0017) than with placebo.
Fluid restriction during the first 24 hours of therapy may increase the likelihood of overly-rapid correction of serum sodium and should generally be avoided.
Too rapid correction of serum sodium (e.g., >12 mEq/L/24 hours) can cause serious neurologic sequelae, including osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS).
The SAMSCA MOA video illustrates the relationship between vasopressin and hyponatremia, as well as the potential benefits of vasopressin V2-receptor antagonism.